T-TALKS: Punch Lane

For 15 years I have kept a business card for a wine bar in my wallet. It was given to me by my brother-in law who passed on 9 years ago. He had been there on a brief trip to Melbourne and said I would like it. I always believed that I would go there one day. I even I tried to make this happen, to no avail. I couldn’t find it and assumed that perhaps 15 years later it didn’t exist. Little did I know that I didn’t need to go to it, it would come to me.

Last weekend I found myself sitting in Punch Lane. I had no idea where I was, the menu had been placed on the table but I hadn’t taken any notice. When I looked down I couldn’t believe my eyes – I was sitting in Punch Lane, a beautiful little wine and cheese bar. In that moment I felt a sense of peace (with myself and in the knowledge that our loved ones never really leave us) …sometimes we just need a little faith that things will just happen at the perfect time and not always as we plan.

It was a valuable lesson about patience, about clinging on so tightly, trying to make dreams come true and planning things. This was a gentle reminder to trust the energy and power of life. Going with the flow and allowing things to unfold in their own time and space is letting life lead us to where we need to be, not always where we want to be.

Love always


People, Passion, Purpose & Potential

E-mail: tracy@waveformconsulting.com

Mobile:0438 335 202

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