T-TALKS: Silence is underrated

I am an advocate for using your voice and self-expression and I also believe that there is a time for silence. Getting comfortable with silence is a rare and exceptional skill, which expands your ability to hold space for others, your potential to hold others accountable and it is also a great personal healing tool.

Getting comfortable with silence allows you to ask questions, sit in the silence and give others time to respond. It allows pauses to during conversations. When we relieve the pause and discomfort by filling the silence with chatter, we lose an opportunity to allow others to speak up or for the silence to speak! Sometimes it also means that you stay silent rather than get involved in discussions that cause you harm or stress, in this sense it is a boundary, self care in action.

Getting comfortable with silence and solitude also allows your soul to speak and be heard. When we are on the treadmill of life, there is seldom any opportunity to listen to what our body is crying out for, what our heart feels and what our soul wants to express. Giving yourself time to sit in the silence is a personal healing space.

The art of communication is becoming comfortable with silence and knowing when to speak.

Love always

Tracy Busse


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