Botanical Art – a personal reflection

Last year I did the Artists Way course by Julia Cameron with an online group of women. I didn’t and still don’t regard myself as an artist (yes, I know I need to address this!). How ever you feel about yourself, this course is relevant to everyone as creativity comes in so many forms and in truth everyone is an artist of their own life (their home, career, health, relationships etc.).

I loved Julias course, the artists’ dates and morning pages were highlights. Artists dates were a weekly adventure to explore something that interests you or you enjoy. It is something that has to be done alone. It could be a visit to a museum, the city, a shopping centre or anything else that takes your fancy. I found that I was attracted to botanical art, I purchased a tea towel with a botanical drawing. My daily walks I was surrounded by gums, wattles and my garden filled with camellias, roses, natives, fruit trees and tea tree. I photographed them almost daily. A sudden realization! Why not try drawing them? Where to begin? I saw an online course in meditative sketchbook botanicals, why not!

Welcome to the magical world of paper, watercolour, brushes, pencils and mostly importantly COLOUR! From there I started drawing and painting what was in my garden, learning as I went along, mostly from Youtube and social media. I loved the process, which was meditative indeed, three hours pass as if a second and also enjoyed the colour mixing and simply being a learner, way outside of my comfort zone. A friend asked me to use my art in a book which he would match with poetry! “But I am still practicing”, I replied! I don’t know when we aren’t practicing – both in art and life this rings true. Maybe I will get back to the book one day.

I then felt that I wanted to improve my skills and did an intermediate course for a term, which I loved and am waiting for my painting of Eucalyptus Alatissima to be framed. My first piece to be framed –  and it will be enjoyed and treasured. Because I like it and because it represents the start of my botanical art journey, wherever it may lead me…

Love always
